Important Notice Concerning 2025 Operations
Thank you for visiting TheFlyingPig.Com.
We have a contract with Itoguchi Corporation (formerly EC Company) as a system agent since September 2016. In handling your personal information, we required them to sign a confidentiality agreement, and we believed that your information was kept secure by having them handle it in accordance with that agreement.
However, in September of this year, we discovered that Itoguchi Corporation had lost the confidentiality agreements and they were not aware of its contents. We repeatedly ordered an investigation to confirm their information management system, but they refused to allow us to conduct an on-site investigation, insisting only that they were managing the information appropriately. We have repeatedly ordered the importance of information management and demanded an investigation, but they have all refused. We have decided to terminate our contract with Itoguchi Corporation in December 2024, as we cannot give away any more of your personal information.
We have ordered Itoguchi Corporation to hand over all information related to the site and server management, but again they have refused to do so. We have paid all the initial costs for the building of the site and have believed that we can use the site as is under the agreement that allows us to use the site as is at the end of the contract, but at this point there is a possibility that we will temporarily be unable to operate the site from January 6, 2025. We will do our best to resolve this issue as soon as possible, but it may cause you some inconvenience for a while. In the unlikely event that this happens, please contact us at X account @TFlyingpig or
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Domestic Shipping Winter Break Notice 2023-24
TheFlyingPig.Com thanks you for your patronage in 2023, and wishes you a happy new year!
Our winter break of 2023 - 24
Domestic dispatching service and Customer service:
Begins December 29, 2022 and Ends January 4, 2023.
We will start dispatching and replying email from January 5.
Shipping costs:
First box -- 1000 yen (without tax)
Second box -- 900 yen(without tax)
Third and subsequent boxes -- 800 yen(without tax)
Frozen surcharge -- 600 yen (without tax) per box
Cool surcharge -- 600 yen (without tax) per box
Note: To qualify for the multi-box rate, all boxes must be ordered together, and must be shipped to the same address.
Personal imports are subject to less stringent import restrictions than commercial imports, allowing our customers to order many of their favorite groceries, personal care items and sundries that would otherwise be impossible to get in Japan. (But remember, food items are subject to a 10-kg limit per item type per order, and other items must be in "reasonable quantities". Also, the addressee must be an individual, and not a company or organization.)
Generally, PI items are dispatched from Hawaii every Tuesday and Friday, with delivery about 5-8 days later. (Note that there are occasional dispatch holidays --- please confirm with us if delivery by a certain date is desired.) These items are handled by a locally organized entity, TFP International LLC.
PI shipping charges are tiered as follows:
5 or more items in the order: FREE!
3-4 items in the order: 1980 yen
1-2 items in the order: 2980 yen
When you open “View cart” page you are able to know how much space you have without extra shipping fee. Also by choosing shipping type, you might be able to eliminate shipping fee by combining shipping boxes.
PI items are shipped separately from domestic items. You are able to check domestic and PI items at “view cart” page.
Dear Loyal Customers,
Thank you so much for your patronage as always.
Due to recent Coronavirus spread and fear, Costco limit their customers shopping volume including us.
So, even we do our best to fulfill your order, we may not able to complete your order items. We may ask you to wait a while for arrival.
We sincerely appreciate for your understanding of current social situations.
About Personal Import Items
In order to clarify PI items from domestic items, we put "PI from Hawaii" in the name of all PI items.
Those PI items are shipped separately for domestic items and we charge you shipping fee.
Please check the link below for the details.
Reasonable prices on imported groceries and general merchandise in Japan? When pigs fly! But that was before Costco Wholesale opened its doors here. Afterwards, there were only two problems left: not everyone can get to a Costco warehouse very easily, and Internet ordering isn't available. In a nutshell, TheFlyingPig.Com was launched to overcome these issues. (Please note that TheFlyingPig.Com is an independent entity, and is not owned or controlled by Costco.)