Q: What is the relationship between TheFlyingPig.Com and Costco Wholesale?
A: Costco Wholesale Japan is the primary supplier of TheFlyingPig.Com, and conversely TheFlyingPig.Com is one of the largest volume shoppers of Costco in Japan. Beyond that, there is no specific contractual, managerial, or capital-based relationship between TheFlyingPig.Com and Costco, although we do work together closely to ensure smooth purchasing processes. Accordingly, TheFlyingPig.Com is generally unable to answer questions about Costco policies and operations, while Costco is similarly unable to answer questions about TheFlyingPig.Com orders. Please do not contact Costco warehouses about TheFlyingPig.Com-related issues, since they will not have any information available. For information about Costco, the link to the Costco Wholesale Japan website in English is: http://www.costco.co.jp/eng/index.htm
Q: How do I contact TheFlyingPig.Com if I have a question or a problem?
A: Please mail us to support@theflyingpig.com Just send an email with your question or problem. Please be sure that your spam protection will allow our reply to reach you. You can also contact us by responding to any of our update or notification emails. If you do so, please be sure NOT to change the title (except for the automatic addition of "Re:"), as our spam protection may not recognize your reply. You can leave a phone message at (092)976-3639, or fax us at (092)976-3616, but email contact will allow a quicker and more effective response (including call-back when appropriate). We stand behind the delivered quality of our merchandise, and will do what it takes to rectify any problems that may arise. The shipping address for returns is: TheFlyingPig.Com, 2671 Kubara Hisayama-machi Kasuya-Gun, Fukuoka Prefecture 811-2501. Please contact us before returning any merchandise.
Q: I placed my order but I never got a confirmation email. What happened?
A: If your order was actually placed then your cart will be empty (until you add something to it again). Check your cart and if your order is still there then you will need to go through the check-out procedure again being careful to continue to the end. If your cart is empty but you did not get a confirmation email from us, return to our site and click on the button labeled "My Info". Make sure that your email address is entered correctly. If it needs correction, please make the corrections and email us at support@theflyingpig.com and we can send the confirmation out again. If your email address is correct, but you do not get confirmation email from us, please check your spam settings in your email program. In general, problems tend to arise when spam settings discard email. If you are having this problem try changing your spam settings to send suspected junk mail to a special folder where you can inspect it to make sure it can be safely discarded.
Q: I have emailed you several times over a period of two or more days, but you never answer my email. What's going on here!?
A: This is typically because of spam or bulk mail settings that discard suspected junk mail without first showing it to the intended recipient. In other words, it is likely that we are getting your email and responding but our response is getting discarded before reaching you. Please check your spam settings in your email program. In general, problems tend to arise when spam settings discard email. If you are having this problem try changing your spam settings to send suspected junk mail to a special folder where you can inspect it to make sure it can be safely discarded.
Q: What should I do if my delivery is late?
A: All Our shipments are by common carrier delivery agents (Postal, Yamato, Sagawa, or EMS), and responsibility for delivery lies with the agents. (TheFlyingPig.Com does not have its own trucks or delivery personnel.) Delivery agents operate on a best effort basis, and do not offer financial guarantees for on-time delivery (although performance is actually quite good in practice). Note that it is relatively common for items in the same order to arrive in separate deliveries (particularly chilled/frozen) so please wait until the end of the specified delivery time slot to contact us about late deliveries. If complete delivery of your order is more than 1 hour late, something may be amiss. Please let us know as soon as possible so that we can supply tracking information or contact the delivery agents on your behalf. If you need us to intermediate, please specify one or two subsequent time slots (later in the day or on another day). Weather and traffic conditions along the entire route between us (located in Fukuoka) and the destination can occasionally delay deliveries by up to one full day. If arrival is particularly time sensitive, please let us know when you submit your order, and if possible please schedule delivery of your order at least one day before the items are actually needed. If late delivery would result in disastrous consequences, we recommend sourcing your needs locally.
Q: What happens if something I ordered turns out to be unavailable?
A: Although we work very hard to avoid this problem, sometimes it simply can't be helped specially for fresh products. We will notify you if something in your order is unavailable, and we will recommend a substitute when this is practical. If we are unable to establish contact prior to the dispatch cutoff, we will generally dispatch your order without the item in question, or, if the item is a major part of the order, we may delay dispatch until we hear from you. If there is a particular item that is crucial, please let us know when you submit your order. Unfortunately, we are unable to adjust payment amounts after payment processing. If we find that an item is unavailable after you made bank transfer payment, we will assign that amount plus a 500 yen token of apology to your TFP account for next time. If you require a refund, we can transfer the amount (but without the 500 yen token) to any domestic bank or postal account.
Q: How come something I saw before isn't on the site now, or the price is different?
A: Since most of the items at TheFlyingPig.Com are imported, supply chain interruptions can occur, and prices change due to exchange rate fluctuations. Items that we know are not currently available are not shown on the site, so if you notice something missing it may be out of stock or discontinued. Feel free to contact us by email with queries.
Q: Can you get products that aren't on the site?
A: If there's something specific that you're interested in, please let us know. We might be able to get it, although our ability is limited by Japanese ingredient regulations on imported food items and by the range of products that our suppliers choose to handle. If it's something that you saw on Costco.Com, such as furniture, the chances that it will be available in Japan are rather slim.
Q: Q: Are discounts available?
Are discounts available?
A: For users who frequently require commercial quantities of specific products, it may be possible for TFP to create special bundled items that will save on unit and/or shipping costs. Please let us know if you have such requirements. Generally, however, we cannot provide discounts beside those described in the Payments section of the site.
Q: Can TheFlyingPig.Com help sponsor our event or site?
A: If you feel that your event or site could promote substantial recognition of TheFlyingPig.Com, we welcome your proposal. Please be sure to include information about the likely number of participants or viewers and their background, what specifically you would like TFP to provide, and how specifically TFP would be likely to benefit from sponsorship. As much advance notice as possible is appreciated. Although we can't say yes to all or even most of the requests we get, we do pledge to give individual attention to each one.
Q: I'd like to pay by Cash on Delivery. But I don't see COD payment option.
A: We have COD payment option for our domestic delivery service. If you don't see COD option for your order, your order has PI items only. Our international delivery service doesn't have good COD service. You have to order at least one domestic item in order to pay by COD.